
Configure YubiKey Nano to not send key press automatically:

  1. Assuming your YubiKey Nano is already actively sitting in a USB slot, ensure you have ‘ykpers’ RPM, to get the ykinfo tool:

    $> rpm -qf ``which ykinfo``
  2. Run it to get all the information like active slots:

    $> ykinfo -a
    serial: 2816141
    serial_hex: 2af88d
    serial_modhex: dlvjjt
    version: 2.4.3
    touch_level: 2817
    programming_sequence: 1
    slot1_status: 1
    slot2_status: 0
    vendor_id: 1050
    product_id: 10
  3. The tool to configure YubiKey Nano to not automatically send the key is ykpersonalize.

(NB: In my case above, the slot-1 was active, that’s why I chose “-1” below.)

  1. Do a dry run of the magic incantation:

    $> ykpersonalize -u -1 -o-append-cr -d
    Firmware version 2.4.3 Touch level 2817 Program sequence 1
    Configuration data to be updated in key configuration 1:
    fixed: m:
    uid: 000000000000
    key: h:00000000000000000000000000000000
    acc_code: h:000000000000
    extended_flags: ALLOW_UPDATE
    Commit? (y/n) [n]: y
    Not writing anything to key due to dry_run requested.
  2. Since the above works, now re-run, this time, without the dry-run option (-d):

    $> ykpersonalize -u -1 -o-append-cr Firmware version 2.4.3 Touch
    level 2817 Program sequence 1
    Configuration data to be updated in key configuration 1:
    fixed: m: uid: 000000000000 key: h:00000000000000000000000000000000
    acc_code: h:000000000000 ticket_flags: config_flags: extended_flags:
    $> echo $? 0

Test it by tapping the YubiKey Nano, now you shouldn’t see an automatic key press.