Procedure to configure nested virtualization

Intel-based hosts

  1. List modules and ensure KVM Kernel modules are enabled on the physical host:

    $ lsmod | grep -i kvm
    kvm_intel             133627  0
    kvm                   435079  1 kvm_intel
  2. Show information for kvm_intel module:

    $ modinfo kvm_intel | grep -i nested
    parm:           nested:boolkvm                   435079  1 kvm_intel
  3. Ensure nested virt is persistent across reboots by adding it as a config directive:

    $ cat /etc/modprobe.d/dist.conf
    options kvm-intel nested=y
  4. Temporarily remove the KVM Intel kernel module, enable nested virtualization to be persistent across reboots and add the Kernel module back:

    $ sudo rmmod kvm-intel
    $ sudo sh -c "echo 'options kvm-intel nested=1' \
        >> /etc/modprobe.d/dist.conf"
    $ sudo modprobe kvm-intel
  5. Check if the Nested KVM Kernel module option is enabled:

    $ cat /sys/module/kvm_intel/parameters/nested
  6. Before you boot your level-1 guest (i.e. the guest hypervisor that runs the nested guest), expose virtualization extensions to it. The following exposes all the CPU features of host to your guest unconditionally:

    # This ``virt-xml`` tool is part of 'virt-install' package
    $ virt-xml guest-hyp \
        --edit \
        --cpu host-passthrough,clearxml=yes
  7. Start your level-1 guest (i.e. guest hypervisor):

    $ virsh start guest-hyp --console
  8. Ensure KVM extensions are enabled by checking if the character device /dev/kvm is present in the level-1 guest:

    <guest-hyp>$ file /dev/kvm
    /dev/kvm: character special
  9. Start your level-2 (or nested) guest:

    <guest-hyp>$ virsh start nested-guest
  10. If the Intel hardware is sufficiently advanced (Intel Haswell processor or above that has newer hardware virt extensions), you might want to enable Shadow VMCS, APIC Virtualization on the physical host:

    $ cat /sys/module/kvm_intel/parameters/enable_shadow_vmcs
    $ cat /sys/module/kvm_intel/parameters/enable_apicv
    $ cat /sys/module/kvm_intel/parameters/ept

Instructions for AMD

  1. Enable the nested parameter for AMD Kernel module:

    $ cat /sys/module/kvm_amd/parameters/nested
    $ rmmod kvm-amd
    $ modprobe kvm-amd nested=1
    $ cat /sys/module/kvm_amd/parameters/nested
  2. To make the above value persistent across reboots, add an entry in /etc/modprobe.dist.conf so it looks as below:

    $ cat /etc/modprobe.d/dist.conf
    options kvm-amd nested=y