1) remove all running bridges.
# virsh net-destroy default
2) backup existing configs.
# cd /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/
# mkdir bak
# cp -p ifcfg-* bak
3) virsh network interface commands start with 'iface-'
# virsh help | grep iface
4) The iface-dumpxml command will create an XML representation of the ifcfg-eth1 file. Take a look at it, and create a copy.
# virsh iface-dumpxml eth1
# virsh iface-dumpxml eth1 > bak/eth1.xml
5) Copy the XML from bak/eth1.xml to br0.xml, and make modifications such that bridge should look as below:
[root@kobain bak]# cat eth1.xml
[root@kobain bak]# cat br0.xml
6)Define the bridge interface to libvirt. At this point there is an error message, but it may be ignored.
#virsh iface-define br0.xml
7) restart the network and do an "virsh iface-list"